Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Key Project Manager

It took me a little while to get the idea of this straight. Having been familiar with Primavera scheduling packages, this was a new approach.
These days we'd call it a task manager, and at that it seems to touch a point that is omitted by the very popular task manager category today: tasks have durations. We estimate these, then can give 'actuals'. Tracking both against a type category system would allow one to calibrate one's performance at estimating and get better at it.
It also fails to link tasks in a dependency relationship. I wouldn't want anything like P6 here, but to keep track of the mountain of tasks in a live work system (with serious volume) it is essential. Linking to document would also be important.
Those crits made, I like the interface and concept, although, naturally it is nowhere near as elegant or cross-platform/cloud useful like my current tool Pagico.

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