Saturday, December 31, 2011

What will I do with it?

It's nice having a new laptop, now that  it's almost sort of working the way I want.

What will I use it for?

Tinkering is always an attractive diversion, and maybe everyone with a bit of an interest in computing does that, so, what else.

The two big uses are writing and drawing; drafting, really.

There's also a lesser use, but one that helped the decision. The latest version of Bibleworks just won't run on my old machine, so new one on the way. And what a treasure trove of capability it is!

I don't do much drafting for money these days, did in the past, but I still find uses for that skill. To that end I've installed my old workhorse Datacad, now version 14. It slides into Win7 very nicely.

Another CAD package that I was very familiar with, and used more extensively than Datacad is Microstation.  Years ago Bentley systems offered home licenses for users at no cost, as long as your employer had a license that you used at work. That was me! I just have to see if the 1995 key still works.

More of my time goes to writing these days; and has for some years (with a bit of an excursion into financial and cost modelling in Excel).

As soon as someone says 'writing' the reaction is "ah, word processor: Microsoft Word?" Well, no. Creative writing, of whatever sort is not served well by a conventional business word processor. These are best for either short documents, or creatively uneventful works.

For creative writing, and I don't mean stories, I mean non-fiction, technical and such like, there are better tools.

My preferred is Scivener. I'd used it on the ol' Mac, and was pleased to see a Windows version recently come to market.

I also use a couple of freeware packages from time to time, depending on what the task is.

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